Factors to Consider When Obtaining a Crane

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The Big Build: How to Use Heavy Construction Equipment

My name is Jerry, and I run a small construction company in Perth. My team normally completes relatively small jobs such as plastering walls, repairing electrical systems and constructing patios. However, one day a big client got in touch to say they wanted me to help them construct a large apartment building. I have never taken on such a big job before, but I thought it was a good chance to grow my business and gain some new skills. A friend who has completed large scale jobs before advised me on how I should hire the people and heavy construction equipment needed for the job. I learnt a lot from him, and my company has since completed several more big construction jobs. I have decided to start this blog to advise others how to hire and maintain heavy equipment.

Factors to Consider When Obtaining a Crane

10 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The advancement in technology made cranes an invaluable addition to construction and demolition operations. Cranes are also a great addition to shipping and transport projects with heavy lifting capacities, diligence, time-saving capabilities, and power. If you need a crane for your next project, a few factors determine your choice.

Load Weight

Cranes have specific ratings based on the weight of the load that needs transportation. You can investigate the range of loads your project handles and choose a crane within that range. Weight rating affects energy consumption and price. Therefore, there is no need to own a crane that can barely handle your loads. You can save time and money by performing due diligence before obtaining a crane. 

Ensure the crane you pick is within the safety recommendations. Overloading a crane endangers the machine, your workers, and installations around your project. Therefore, weight is one of the primary considerations before obtaining a crane.

Lift Height

Another essential factor is the lift height since a crane's boom reaches the manufacturer's settings. For example, you can get a crane for powerline repairs, and the boom must reach the average height of the poles. The crane's boom must reach higher than a powerline if you have a vertical construction project. 

It would help if you also considered the ability of the boom and entire structure to resist the adverse effects of wind and wind while in operation. If the boom resists sway by the wind, your workers can operate the crane safely during any weather. Sometimes, you can involve your engineers and operators in the purchase process to obtain a crane with features appropriate for your project. 

Moving Distance

Even though you know the height, the moving distance is equally important. If your crane travels a distance to pick and drop the load, this movement is essential for selecting a crane. If your crane must transport an item for a long distance, the underlying platform must have wheels.

Other additions include a method of propulsion such as an engine. Does the crane's engine support your load? You must also consider the capacity, chassis strength, and other truck or trailer features that carry your crane. 


Finally, examine the terrain near the site. Cranes need a support structure and a means of holding them firmly to the ground. Some cranes have their support structures and landing gear. Therefore, select a crane that fits your terrain. 

Some critical factors to consider when obtaining a crane include the load weight, lift height, moving distance, and terrain.