
About Me
The Big Build: How to Use Heavy Construction Equipment

My name is Jerry, and I run a small construction company in Perth. My team normally completes relatively small jobs such as plastering walls, repairing electrical systems and constructing patios. However, one day a big client got in touch to say they wanted me to help them construct a large apartment building. I have never taken on such a big job before, but I thought it was a good chance to grow my business and gain some new skills. A friend who has completed large scale jobs before advised me on how I should hire the people and heavy construction equipment needed for the job. I learnt a lot from him, and my company has since completed several more big construction jobs. I have decided to start this blog to advise others how to hire and maintain heavy equipment.

Five Steps to Felling a Tree Safely Using a Chainsaw

30 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Many laypeople are involved in chainsaw accidents because they don't know the best way to fell a tree using that powerful tool. This article discusses the steps that seasoned loggers use to fell trees with chainsaws safely. Hazard Analysis The first step of any felling operation should be the identification of any possible hazards at the site. These may include tree defects that can cause the tree to fall in a different direction from what you desired. Read More …

Choosing the Right Excavator Setup for Demolition

31 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

An excavator is a commonly-used piece of construction equipment, seen on construction sites around the world. Although, as the name suggests, they're normally used for digging, this isn't their only use. There are actually quite a few different attachments available for excavators, allowing them to be used for clearing snow, drilling, and even sweeping. But one situation where an excavator can be extremely useful is demolition. If you need to tear down a building or some other structure – either fully or partially – an excavator could be the perfect machine for the job. Read More …

Horse Float Rental: Understanding the Crucial Selection Factors

25 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are planning on travelling with your horse, you will need to acquire a float for the journey. In general, you can choose to purchase or rent the equipment from a specialist dealer. The latter option is more ideal and economical if you do not plan to tow your horse frequently. There are numerous types of horse floats to consider before choosing one for rental. However, the selection process can be challenging if you have never purchased or hired this type of trailer. Read More …

How Operating a Forklift Differs from Driving a Car

16 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Some people may not take the step of enrolling to undergo forklift operator training simply because they think that operating a forklift is no different from driving a car. However, the truth is that operating a forklift is different from driving a car. This article discusses some of the major differences between those two activities. Use this information to enroll for forklift training in case you have been operating that lift vehicle without formal training. Read More …

You Will Find the Perfect Mobile Crane If You Look at These Things When Selecting One

9 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Lifting and moving materials are usually among the major and most tiring tasks at any construction site. For this reason, if you have a construction project, you will want to invest in equipment that will make the transporting of materials easier and safer for your workers. Mobile cranes are usually the solution. Unfortunately, with a wide range of mobile cranes in the markets, you may find it challenging to decide on which one to choose, especially if you have never used one before. Read More …